Nano Learning: A New Way to Earn CPE


What if you could squeeze your CPE in while on hold with your cable company? Or, while you are watching your child’s soccer game? Maybe during a holiday meal that gets a little too heated? Okay, so those are extreme examples. But, the ACFE’s new nano courses do make it easy to earn CPE on even your busiest of days. Our new courses are 10-minute explorations of specific anti-fraud topics, and offer immediate, 24/7 access and NASBA-approved CPE without committing a lot of time or money.

Some of the topics include:

  • Interviewing Dos and Don’ts
    Interviewing witnesses and suspects is often a critical part of a fraud examiner’s duties. Learn several basic strategies that can enhance the effectiveness of an interview, as well as pitfalls to avoid.

  • What is Blockchain?
    Blockchain is a decentralized ledger or database that is maintained across a network of computers. Get a basic understanding of what blockchain is and discover some its possible business and anti-fraud applications.

  • Cybersecurity Best Practices
    Through well-planned, multi-faceted cybersecurity programs, organizations of any size can greatly mitigate risks posed by computer frauds such as malware, social engineering techniques and unauthorized access of sensitive data. Learn cybersecurity methods that are important pillars upon which to build a robust cybersecurity program.

View a full list of nano courses offered. Also, let me know of some other off-the-wall places you could set aside 10 minutes to earn CPE in the comments below.